Model: OSCD
The BERMAD Opening Speed Control Device (OSCD) is a valve control accessory that has an adjustable restricted
flow in one flow direction and an unrestricted flow in the opposite direction.
The OSCD is designed to be installed on the control trim of BERMAD valves, to reduce the opening speed and
thus decrease or eliminate damaging water surge or water hammer.
Reduction of the main valve’s opening speed is achieved by adjusting the OSCD to restrict the rate of water flow exiting the main valve’s control chamber controlling the rate at which the main valve opens.
The closing speed remains unaffected as flow in the opposite direction, entering the control chamber to close the
main valve remains unrestricted.
Product Features & Benefits
- Field Adjustable
- Corrosion Resistant Materials as standard
- Operates in any position
- Angled flow, less clogging
- Tamper-proof protective cap
Typical Product Applications
- Adjustment of Main valve opening speed.
- Prevention of water-surge or water-hammer.